38 Awesome Art Projects for Kids Inspired by Famous Artists


Art History is a fun and interesting subject to explore with children of all ages and it’s never too early to start. Famous artists had different ways of creating art, all of which can eagerly be explored by budding young artists too. Different materials and textures can be used to provide a multi-sensory art projects for kids, whilst also teaching children about the history of art.

Art Projects for Kids Inspired by Famous Artists

Art Projects for Kids

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Learn about Piet Mondrian and make this pretty sun catcher or these DIY Bookmarks.

Explore Pointillism at home with your kids.

Draw like Paul Klee in this activity or learn to paint a still life like Paul Cezanne.

Explore Monet and create a Water Lilies Collage using tissue paper and water to create your masterpiece.

Step back in time and get under the table for this Michelangelo activity aimed at preschoolers.

Bring colour to your art experience when looking at the work of Kandinsky. Why not  Explore Lines and Circles, or Concentric Circles or even try this Elmer meets Kandinsky project.

Picasso was famous for faces so, why not create a  Picasso Clay Face using clay/playdough or get messy with this Pigasso meets Mootise Preschool Process Art project.

Explore Art and Science when you do this Georges Suerat inspired activity.

Get hands on and make your own Salt Dough Sculpture inspired by the colourful works of Niki de Saing Phalle.

Learn to create art with scissors and paper just like Matisse did.

Celebrate Pop Art with a fun Andy Warhol project or this Lichtenstein bubble wrap art.

Turn apples into Stars and learn about Vincent Van Gogh.

Make your own Triptych in  this activity inspired by Van Eyck.

Toddlers can have fun with tissue paper and glue whilst learning about the work of Mondrian.

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Try this Emily Carr Tree Craft, It’s perfect for a creative afternoon and so are these Andy Warhol Flowers.

Create a Klimt inspired Gold Drawing.

Another interesting way of creating art is demonstrated here in this Lichtenstein Art Trace and Dot project, something even your youngest kids can try.

Enjoy a Magnetic Art Project inspired by Matisse.

Yamamoto’s Salt Art is a must-try art activity to do outdoors this Summer.

Have a go at creating a Van Gogh inspired Superhero Cityscape. 

Sculpt a Chihuly glass sculpture with colorful straws.

Re-create Monet’s water lilies with cupcake liners.

Get busy with a glue resist project when you study the work on Marc Chagall.

This Crayon Cloisonne project uses crayons to bring creativity to the table whilsy this Gerhard Richter Plexiglass Painting idea uses plexiglass to paint on! What fun!

Explore Pointillism by Seurat using Q-tips or just enjoy exploring different textures with Q-tips.

Make your own Dali Clock Sculpture with paper clay or try this pretty Jasper Johns Collage.

Michelangelo was famous for Chapel Paintings.  Set up your own chapel and have a go at painting it’s ceiling!

Jackson Pollock Splat Painting is sure to be a winner. This is another great idea for your younger kids will enjoy too.

And lastly, this  Dubuffet Texture Art is gorgeous and will definitely inspire creativity in your kids.

These are all lovely ideas to let children experience(and not just learn) about famous artists!

Kids Painting Ideas

Which art project for kids will you try out first? We would love to see photos of your art projects over on our Facebook page.

Thanks Nadia for this fun round up. She blogs over at Teach me Mommy about easy and playful activities with the aim to teach. You can follow along on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram

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