Back to School Bubble Wrap Bookmarks


Encourage new and developing readers this upcoming school year with our fun Back to School Bubble Wrap Bookmark Activity.

Bubble Wrap Bookmarks for Back to School


Here is the final part of our trilogy of activities on The Summer of Fun Blog Hop. It’s been a great summer break with the kids here over in Ireland, but now it is time to start to thinking about heading back to school and into autumn.

Previously on the blog hop we shared ideas for Water Play and Summer STEM activities.

My two son’s are heading into Senior Infants and Second Class at the end of the month, so there will be plenty of reading homework to get through with the pair of them. They are both competent readers, but not always the most enthusiastic. Reading requires them to sit down quietly for a while and neither of my action loving boys are keen on doing this.

To help encourage them with their reading this school year, I decided to invite them to make their own bookmarks. I chose lots of their favourite materials, including bubble wrap and googly eyes, to capture their interest in this project. Then sat down with them to chat about the kind of books they hope to be reading when they get back to school.

For more ideas on how to create personalised school supplies check out our popular post Top 10 DIY Back to School Projects for School Supplies .

How to make Bubble Wrap Bookmarks

You will need:

  • Strips of cardboard
  • Bubble wrap
  • Googly eyes
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Foam Shapes
  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue

I helped the boys to cut out the strip of bubble wrap to be glued on top of the strip of cardboard, as it is a bit tricky to cut. I then sat back and watched them decorate their bookmarks as they wished, stepping in to help when they asked for it.

Making bookmarks using junk materials

Tip – We taped the pipe cleaners in between the card and bubble wrap before gluing the two together to keep them as secure as possible.

Their bookmarks have now taken pride of place in their newly set up Homework Stations and I’m hoping the enthusiasm of this project will carry over into their reading homework in a couple of weeks’ time.

back to school bubble wrap bookmarks

For more Back to School Fun check out the rest of the posts on the blog hop:

Best Alphabet Books & 5 Natural Literacy Activities from Bambini Travel

Follow the Line to School Activity from Mom Inspired Life

Free Kids Activity Planner Arts Crafts Sensory Play

85 Imaginative play ideas for kids


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