Brighten up the winter gloom with our Beautiful Wrap Heart Decorations for kids made from Salt Dough.
Our hallway tree has been looking very bare since we took down our Christmas Decorations, so it was time to start thinking about our next seasonal display. We decided that Valentine’s hearts were just what we needed to cheer up our tree (and our Winter blues).
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- 2 cups of flour
- 1 cup of salt
- 1 cup of warm water
- Food Colouring
- Baking Trays
- Baking Paper
To make the Bubble Wrap Heart Decorations for kids
- Bubble Wrap
- Rolling Pin
- Heart shaped cutter
- Gloss Modge Podge
- Glitter
- String
How to make Perfect Salt Dough
Measure the flour and salt out into a mixing bowl.
Before adding the water to the bowl, add the food colouring to the water and give it a good swish around. We made two batches and coloured the first pink and the second purple.
Gradually add in the water and mix all the ingredients together until they form a soft ball of dough. I find using an electric mixer is a really effective way to bind the ingredients together.
Be careful not to add the water in too fast or you will make the dough too sticky, if your hand does slip then just add in a bit more flour to balance it out.
Give the ball of dough a really good knead with your hands for a few minutes. This really helps to improve to texture of the dough and increase the intensity and evenness of the colouring.
Bubble Wrap Heart Decorations for Kids
I placed the two balls of dough down onto our kitchen table, along with sheets of bubble wrap, heart cutters and rolling pins.
Bella and Freddie both made a grab for the purple dough (why did I give them a choice of colours?) so after stepping in to referee, we were ready to get rolling our salt dough out.
They each rolled out their dough (Freddie purple and Bella pink). Then I showed them how to press down the bubble wrap firmly into their salt dough to transfer the bubble pattern into it. This resulted in heavy fists banging down into the dough to see who could get the best bubble pattenr (why does everything have to be a competition?) before peeling the bubble wrap back.
I managed to calm the situation (I awarded a tie break) and we moved onto cutting our hearts out using the heart cutters.
I transferred these over to a baking tray lined with baking paper (to stop them from sticking) and before placing them into the oven (pre-heated to a low 110C). We used a chopstick to make a small hole towards the top of the heart (to thread the string through once baked).
Keep a close eye on the salt dough hearts as you cook them, you don’t want to spoil the colouring on them by over cooking them. Ours took around 1 hour to bake and I took them out when they had all firmed up.
Decorating our Bubble Wrap Heart Decorations
Once completely cool, we added a layer of Gloss Modge Podge and a sprinkling of glitter (some more than others!) to finish them off nicely.
They are now brightening up the winter gloom in our hallway, displayed on our seasonal tree.
For more love filled fun for Valentine’s Day check out what my friends have been upto:
Valentine’s Day Game: Cupid’s Arrow Toss by Playground Parkbench
Stitched Felt Heart Favor Pouch & Keychain by Moms & Crafters
Valentine Pet Project for Kids by Sunny Day Family
Fun and Romantic Easy-to-Make Valentine Card by Our Good Life
My Little Pony Free Printable Valentines by Our Whimsical Days
Hand Knit Hearts by Nemcsok Farms
Homemade Lip Gloss by Study at Home Mama
Heart Love Bugs Craft by Rhythms of play
Valentine’s Day Smoothie by HEN Family
I just love the imprint that bubble wrap leaves – these are beautiful! (And everything seems to be a competition in our house too – and I only have the one kid! lol!)