Christmas Tree Cards Made By Kids For Kids


It can seem like a lot of work making Christmas cards for the whole class.  But with good planning and realistic expectations, it is totally achievable. It’s also a great way to fill a few cold after-school afternoons, when you are all stuck indoors.

Christmas Tree Cards made by kids for kids

Making your own Christmas Cards

When you are only 4 years old and faced with making and writing 22 Christmas cards for your classmates, the simpler they are, the better it is for everybody involved. And  being that 4 year old’s mum, means being realistic about how long they will take and starting early.

It’s Bella’s first year in Primary School, so we have all the fun and games of her first Christmas term ahead of us. We have lots of work to do getting her ready for the class Nativity ( 3 lines to learn off by heart is going to be a challenge for both of us!) . And she can’t wait to take in Christmas cards to give out to her friends, just like she has watched her big brothers do.

Sponge Painted Christmas Tree Cards for Kids to make

This activity actually began as a festive gift wrap exercise. But whilst we were doing the activity, I decided that it was a much better idea to cut out the individual Christmas Trees and stick them onto the front of her school friends Christmas cards.

Christmas Tree Cards Made By Kids for Kids

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We used a handy Christmas Tree stencil to sponge paint our trees, but if you can’t get hold of one, you could just cut out a Christmas Tree shape from a sponge.

Painting Christmas Tree Card with a Sponge

I rolled out a sheet of brown parcel paper and Bella lined up her Christmas Tree stencil. She generously stamped a green paint covered sponge inside of it. She repeated this multiple times over the paper.

Then it was time to decorate her Christmas Tree’s. She made colorful finger painted baubles and a popped a gold finger print at the top of each tree to finish them off nicely.

Once dried we then cut each of the trees and glued them onto the front of folded white cards. Now we just  have the long job of writing them all, but we will take our time over the next week or so.
Sponge Painted Christmas Tree cards for kids to make

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Christmas Crafts for siblings to do together