Collaborative Rainbow Collage for Kids

collaborative rainbow collage for kids
Collaborative rainbow collage for kids

This week the boys wrote a play together called “The Magic Rainbow” and they wanted to make their own Rainbow backdrop for their play to help set the scene. We had a supply of large sheets of cardboard left over from a recent splurge in Ikea, which were perfect for the job. It’s definitely worth hanging onto a few cardboard boxes if you have the room to store them, as they are so useful for many different kids’ arts and crafts projects.

The first task was to paint the large sheet of cardboard sky blue. We even managed to get daddy involved with this, making it a whole family collaborative art project.

We then left this to dry overnight before starting to create our rainbow collage the following day.  After much discussion about how we would create the rainbow collage, we decided to use a different material for each of the different colours of the rainbow. We did have a slight altercation over what the colours of our rainbow should be, as it seems the boys have been taught a different version to the song I learnt in school. This was soon resolved with the call for them to go hunting for materials to use for the collage.

We decided on:

Red – tissue paper

Yellow – squares of yellow card

Pink – wool

Green – buttons

Orange – craft sticks

Purple- sponge painting

Blue – straws

The kids worked really well together on this (we won’t mention Little Miss Bella’s sponge painting incident!). They seem to take great pride in working together on a project and are much more respectful of each other’s contribution. I think this is because they are working towards the same goal and are not in completion with each other. The play itself would have benenfited from a few more rehersals, but they still all recieved a standing ovation from the crowd (myself, hubby and nanna!)

St Patricks Day is coming up soon and this would make a perfect St Patricks Day themed activity do with your kids at home. What materials will you be using to create your rainbows?



7 thoughts on “Collaborative Rainbow Collage for Kids”

  1. We have boxes from our Ikea trips too mostly for going into their free to collect corner where there are wood and boxes that you can get for free! I wish I have the storage as I really love hoarding those for my son's painting activity #pocolo

  2. What a fab art project to work on together. It sounds like they worked really well and everyone enjoyed it. I love the picture.
    Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids

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