Dinosaur Fuzzy Felt Felt |
This week my middle son turns 5 and as he is a huge Dinosaur fan, his little sister has made him a lovely home-made card with a big dinosaur on the front of it. My initial idea had been to cut out different shapes from coloured paper and use these to build up a picture of a dinosaur onto the card. We had done a similar craft to create Autumn Owl Pictures last month. It had proved a great way to work on shapes with my daughter. But as I was cutting out felt moons, stars and bats for the boys Halloween costumes that I was making for the boys, it gave another idea on how to extend the activity and create a really cool card. I decided to cut out the shapes for the dinosaur using felt instead of paper.
How to make a Dinosaur Fuzzy Felt Birthday Card
You will need:
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Busy making her dinosaur |
I sat down with my daughter and we set about creating some dinosaur fuzzy felt pictures on a large sheet of felt from my sewing supplies. As we were doing the activity we chatted about the different shapes and colours she was using to help reinforce these with her. I then directed her a little in creating her dinosaurs by asking questions such as “What shape shall we use for the dinosaurs head?” and “Can you find the red rectangles and add them on for the dinosaurs legs?” She played away with the different shapes for a good while and then we set about designing the dinosaur to go onto her brother’s birthday card. I then took this design and glued each of the individual pieces onto the felt background and then glued this onto a sheet of white card folded in half. I just hope her big brother is as impressed as I was with her efforts.
Adding the circle spots |
Adding on the spikes |
All three of my kids love dinosaurs and we are always looking for new ways to incorporate them into our arts, crafts and play activities. Here are some more ideas for you to try…
Arts and Crafts Activities:
Dinosaur Story Painting by MulticraftingummySponge Painting Dinosaurs by Multicraftingmummy
Paper Mache Dino Bank over at Red Ted Art
DIY Dinosaur Stilts over at Lalymom
Paper Plate Dinosaurs over at Craftulate
Cardboard Stand up Dinosaur Toys over at Powerful Mothering
Playing with Dinosaurs:
Dinosaur Small World Play over at Artsy Momma
Dinosaur Sensory Small World over at Little Bins for Little Hands
Dinosaur Fossil Excavation with edible dirt over at Love Play and Learn
Dinosaur Small World Play over at Still Playing School
Learning with Dinosaurs:
Dinosaur Maths for Pre-schoolers over at The Educators’ Spin on it
D is for Dinosaur Sensory Bin over at Adventures with Adam
Fizzing Dinosaur Eggs over at Preschool Powol Packets
Make your own Dinosaur Eggs and Fossils over at Sun Hats and Wellie Boots
Fun! My two year old has started getting into dinosaurs and felt is one of my new favorite craft materials!
You should be onto a winner with this activity then! Felt is a really fun material to use in kids crafts activities.
I think fuzzy felts are great and these look fab. I love that cake too – a very happy birthday to your boy. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo 🙂 x
Thanks Victoria!