What is it about stickers? Place them in front of my kids are their eyes immediately light up. How many times have they rescued you on a trip to a restaurant or when play dates having been heading in the wrong direction? We also love to use them as a quick way to decorate DIY Cards. We used a batch of Spring themed foam stickers on our Easter cards this year.
We love to make and send cards to our family and friends at Christmas, Valentines Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter and all other holidays in between.
My family live overseas so making and sending cards on a regular basis is a great way for the kids to stay connected with them between visits.
But it can be challenging sitting down to make a big pile of cards with 3 active kids.
Ask them to make a birthday card for a friend and they enjoy taking their time over the design, but ask them to make 10 Easter cards and they are groaning and losing concentration before the first one is done.
This is where stickers can come in very handy. Give my kids a pile of stickers and they will happily make a hundred cards (but thankfully we didn’t have to make that many this time around).
I picked up this fantastic collection of Spring themed stickers a few weeks back on a regular trawl of a local discount store (ok then maybe I snuck a few packs into my basket). I am as much of a sucker for buying stickers, as my kids are for sticking them.
We soon had enough cards to send around the family and all we had to do then was write them all. Don’t even ask!
Here are a few of our Easter Masterpieces, I just need to remember to post them now.
Happy Easter to you all!
Click below for more Spring themed activities to enjoy during the school holidays.