Collaborative Very Hungry Caterpillar Craft

My eldest son had a very exciting delivery to this classroom last week. Five baby caterpillars. We have been eagerly checking them each school morning to see how much they have grown. They are growing at quite apace.  My son has been explaining to his siblings about how they are going to turn into cocoons and then they will change into butterflies.
Collaborative Very Hungry Caterpillar Craft
My other two children have been fascinated, although I have been having a bit of trouble with my youngest. She prefers lifting them up, rather than gently turning the pot around. The perils of taking a toddler on the school run.

My son’s class have been doing lots of different arts and crafts activities around this theme, to help them with their own understanding. So we decided to have a go at some caterpillar and butterfly themed crafts as well. To help my younger kids understand and to reinforce what my son has been learning at school.

Collaborative Very Hungry Caterpillar Craft

My son’s class has made a giant “Very Hungry Caterpillar” out of paper plates. This has been displayed across the whole of one of the classroom walls. It looks fantastic, but I didn’t think I could quite get away with such a huge piece of art work at home. So we set about making our own smaller version, which we could all contribute too like my son’s class had done.

1. Drawing around the lid of a playdoh tub, we made circles onto white paper. The boys then cut out their own circles, whilst I drew and cut some out for my toddler.
2. Each of my kids helped to mix up different shades of green by adding white paint to green paint to make it progressively lighter. My pre-schooler was very interested in this and my toddler was a very enthusiastic paint mixer.
3. Each of the kids painted three of the circles with the different green paints. Any my eldest was in charge of one larger circle for the head and two rectangular strips of paper for the antennae. These were painted red.
4. Once these were dry I then glued the circles together to make a caterpillar. We then added googly eyes and a smile.

Making Butterflies

This was another two part exercise due to my eldest being in school. We try as much as we can to do arts and crafts altogether, but it’s not always possible during the week with school and pre-school to factor in.
Simple Butterfly Crafts
Toddlers and Pre-schoolers
1. I cut out a butterfly shape from white paper.
2. We used Dot Markers to make coloured dots all over one side of the
3. We then folded over the paper and rubbed down hard. Then gently pulled it
apart to create the same pattern onto the other side of the paper. My
toddler doesn’t really comprehend gentle, so I helped her along with this
part of the task.
4. We then finished them off with black pipe cleaners for the antennae and of
course some googly eyes.
Older Children
When my son came home from school he wanted to do something a bit different. I gave him a sheet of tracing paper (we just used a sheet of my baking paper) and he traced some butterflies from a book. He then used felt tips pens on the tracing paper to colour them in. Felt pens are perfect for tracing paper; crayons wouldn’t really be a strong enough colour to look as effective. We then displayed them altogether.

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