Sometimes you really need an activity which will keep your kids all in the once place and quiet for a few minutes. Our Spooky Sticker Story Writing challenge ticks both boxes and is perfect for Halloween.
Afternoons can get very noisy around here. My kids come in from school hungry, bursting to tell me their news (usually all at the same time) and pick up their games (or fights!) from before they left for school. So when you have a husband who works at home and who tells you that he has an important phone call happening, just after the kids arrive home and he insists on peace and quiet, you have to think fast.
I am a sucker for a bargain. I have a huge stash of crafty bits and bobs in my cupboards, that I just know will come in useful one day. Our discount stores are full of Halloween “essentials” right now and a few of them have made their way into my cupboard. So I had just the thing to encourage my kids to sit down and give their daddy the quiet time he needed to broker his deal. Halloween Foam Stickers.
Stickers are a staple activity for kids of all ages. We have decorated many a plane, a restaurant and a book with stickers. All in an attempt to placate my kids when they were younger and we needed them to sit still. My kids are past this stage now (well just about) but they still love stickers. We now use them as a quick home-made card decoration or for making collages with.
Spooky Sticker Story Writing
I picked up a bumper pack of spooky Halloween Stickers on a recent shopping trip and they led me to just the idea to get my kids to sit down and engage their imaginations in a fun activity. Spooky Sticker Story Writing.
We folded a large sheet of paper in half and then in half again to make 4 story scene boxes.
I tipped out the bag of stickers into the centre of the table. And my kids choose a few as story prompts for their own Halloween Story. We had bats, spiders, pumpkins, ghosts, moons and stars to work with. They brought their spooky characters to life with speech bubbles.
This activity was aimed more at my boys who are 6 and 8, but there little sister gave the activity a good go as well. She has just started out in Kindergarten and is only starting to work through her letter sounds right now, so she isn’t putting words together yet. But this didn’t stop her from coming up with her own story and illustrating it with stickers. Although her story may have a changed a little each time she re-told it!
Thankfully this activity lasted long enough to cover my husband’s important call, before the kids rushed upstairs to proudly show off their stories to daddy.
This activity can be repeated over and over again with different sticker packs (I might even have a few more stashed at the back of the cupboard already).
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