The A-Z of Pretend Play


The A-Z of Pretend Play

a-z of pretend play

I am very excited to announce the launch of our first ever series over here at Crafty Kids at home, The A-Z of Pretend Play.

Over the next 26 days, bloggers from across the land will be sharing their favourite kid’s pretend play activities with you. We will be sharing ideas for small worlds, role playing, storytelling activities and lots more.

The Importance of Pretend Play

To get us started today I have asked a few of my blogging buddies to share with you why they think Pretend Play is so important:

“There is nothing as inspiring as watching a child at play.”  Sunny Day Family

 “Pretend play gives children the opportunity to re-enact and rehearse everyday situations, stories and rhymes, but more importantly allows them to use their imagination and create their own made up reality where they can combine all they have learnt about the world. There is no right and wrong in pretend play.”  Messy Little Monster

 “Children often use pretend play as a way to process real life situations. Think of how they play school and mimic their teacher to the dot. It is an important part of their day and therefore they will “play it out” again.” Teach Me Mommy

“Engaging in pretend play is necessary to a child’s development. It is directly correlated with the development of language, abstract thought, social-emotional, cognitive and problem solving skills.” Rhythms of Play

 “I love watching my kids play together! Pretend play strengthens sibling relationships – I know from personal experience. Many of my fondest childhood memories involve playing with my siblings, and those memories help to maintain sibling bonds now that we are all grown up and live mostly far apart from one another.” Mama Smiles

 “Playing pretend is not only good for children, but adults need to remember to take a break from their phones or computers from time to time too. It’s the perfect way to connect with your kids and spend some quality time with them.” The Jenny Evolution

 “He is developing creativity, language skills, problem solving…   He is taking the lead and directing our play; we are bonding over our adventure. “ There’s Just One Mommy

“With pretend play, you can be anyone, go anywhere, do anything. The crazier the better.” Danya Banya

“Pretend play has a huge role in language development. It allows children to build up on stories they heard and imagine new endings.” Best Toys for Toddlers

What would you add to this list?

You can find details of all of the posts as they are published over on the dedicated A-Z of Pretend Play page and they will all be pinned to my A-Z of Pretend Play board over on Pinterest.