The School of Art: Recycled Magazine Collages


The School of Art: Recycled Magazine Collages

school of art recycled magazine collages

We were delighted to receive a copy of “The School of Art: Learn how to make great art with 40 simple lessons,” in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Published by Wide Eyed Publications, this large and colourful book is aimed at 8-12 year old children and is packed full of information and ideas to help kids understand the basic concepts of art and design.

The books contents are cleverly structured like an art school programme. It is broken down into 3 terms and includes 40 different lessons, delivered by the schools 5 professors; Professor of Ideas, Professor of Form, Professor or Senses, Professor of Making and Professor of the Planet. There is also an activity to do at the end of each lesson, which will really help to reinforce the concepts discussed in a fun and engaging manner.

The book is priced at £14.99 and I think that this is very good value due to the quality and quantity of the content inside the book.

The School of Art: Recycled Magazine Collages

My own kids are only 3, 5 and 7, so they don’t quite make the suggested age range for the book yet, but I did manage to find a few activities that were suitable for us to tackle now.

One of which was Lesson 36: How can we recycle things to make art? The activity suggestion was to take bottle tops to make a mosaic of use magazines to make a collage. We decided to make a magazine collage.

Follow our Recycling Arts and Crafts Ideas board over on Pinterest.

the school of art magazine collageThe kids had great fun together cutting, sticking and creating their magazine collages.

For more recycled art projects check out our TP Roll Animals and our Bubble wrap Jellyfish.