It’s time to start our Easter preparations now that it is only a few weeks away. So we have been busy making our home-made Easter cards to send out to family and friends. We decided to paint them this year. Painting is one of our favourite arts and crafts activities to do all together. It’s easy to set up and can be adapted to suit the different ages of my kids.
This year I have also decided to introduce my kids to some works of art by famous artists and to then explore the different techniques used by each artists with them at home, so we combined the two with this activity.
I find Jackson Pollock’s artwork really interesting (and it looks so much fun), so we took a to the library to check out some books with his work in and we looked online. The kids were definitely up for trying out his painting technique.
We set up our own Splat Art painting studio using Jackson Pollock’s famous drip painting technique as our inspiration. We we then planned to cut out Easter Egg shapes from our splat art to stick onto the front of the kids Easter Cards.
You might also like our Bubble Wrap Easter Basket Cards.
How to enjoy Splat Art Painting with your kids
I took out our tuff spot and laid out sheets of paper all over it (under the mis-guided notion that this would help to contain the mess!) and then poured red, blue and yellow paint into pots and laid out some brushes.
I then basically just let the kids then have free reign to flick and splat the paint over the paper. I should have known better when I told my 5 year old to just have fun and not worry about making a mess, because boy did he make a mess! But they did make some beautiful splat art pictures and had a brilliant time working together on this activity.
It’s great to get let the kids go a bit crazy every now and then. I love it when they get really enthusiastic about their pictures. It gives them a real sense of pride in their work, which is great for their confidence. With hindsight though, it probably would have been better to have done this activity outside.
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