Setting up a Homework Station


Setting up a Homework Station for a Second Grader.

homework station

My eldest son is 7 years old now, so he will be heading into 2nd Class (equivalent to 2nd Grade) once he heads back to school after the summer holidays. Although he loves getting stuck into activities with his two younger siblings (aged 3 and 5) I want to start to give him some of his own activities to do that are appropriate for his age and growing needs. He is so keen to learn at the moment, I really want to seize this opportunity to sit down and work with him on some special projects over the coming months. I’m sure his siblings will sneak into some of them as well, but I want Liam to be the main focus of these activities.

You can read more Back to School Hacks here.

To help me along the way with this project and to share with you, even more ideas for 7-8 year children, I have joined forces with a team of fantastic bloggers to bring you activities each week following a different theme. The 2nd Grade blogging team is kicking off this week with activities for “Back to School.”

Setting up a Homework Station

This week we have taken some time out from our relaxed summer holiday routine and have started to think about getting organised for back to school at the end of the month. My 7 year old son is going to have a lot more homework once he settles into 2nd class, so setting up a dedicated homework station for this was at the top of our list of priorities.

After a BIG clear out of his bedroom we found a desk lurking in the corner! After giving this a good clean down, we then set to work loading it with and organising homework stationary supplies and accessories. Setting up a dedicated homework station will help to build a good homework routine and make it a much more efficient process. I dread to think how many hours he wasted last year looking for pencils and notebooks to use and don’t ask me how many time he forgot to put things back into his school bag!

    As well as being a great place to display special cards he’s received and pictures he has drawn, it will be a handy focal point to attach reminders of things he needs to do/take to school and leave me notes when he needs new supplies for his homework station (I want him to take responsibly for this as much as he can).
    This is a handy reminder of the homework tasks he needs to complete each day, along with a BIG reminder to put everything back into this school bag at the end of the homework session.
    He will be encouraged to use his calendar, not only to keep track of what day it is, but also to mark off important days and use it to countdown to the holidays!
    Keeping all of the essential stationary supplies in once place will help keep them together and organised for easy access (and no time delay in looking for a pencil at the start of each session!).
  5. LAMP
    This will help with concentration and cut down on eye strain in the darker months of the year.
    Including one of his favourite teddies will hopefully spur him on when he is struggling and he can give it a little cuddle when he is doing his reading.
    This is one Liam’s reading list this year, so he will be using it a lot in his homework.
    Storing all of his books in a file folder will keep them neat and tidy and easily accessible. He can empty his school bag before each homework session, into the file folder and work through his books one at a time.
    Make sure to have lots of notebooks handy for jotting notes in throughout the session. I will also be encouraging Liam to have a go at making his own journals at home to record stories and things that he has been doing outside of school.

For a last minute Summer Craft before you head back to school try our super cute Bubble Wrap Jellyfish. 

It’s time now to pop over and see what Back to School ideas the rest of the 2nd Grade Blogging Team are sharing this week:

Melting Crayons Science Experiment from Creative Family Fun

Free Addition Facts Game from Life Over C’s

Number Ordering Activity 0-999 from Sallie Borrink Learning

Interest Based Learning Project from Still Playing School

FREE Back to School Noun Practice from Look! We’re Learning!

What I Love About School Art Project from Planet Smarty Pants

All About Me Flag Project from School Time Snippets

{Free!} Getting to Know You Back to School Game from Preschool Powol Packets

FREE All About Me Worksheets (Lego style) from 123 Homeschool 4 Me

Me Llamo – Simple Spanish Game from Rainy Day Mum

We will be back next Thursday sharing ideas for Apple Activities.


17 thoughts on “Setting up a Homework Station”

  1. I need to set something up like this – but with such a small house I’m struggling to work out where would be best. Time to put the thinking cap on.

  2. I had to chuckle at the big bedroom clear out…we desperately need to do that too! I think it create such a friendlier space. 🙂 And I love your homework station set-up…it looks so inviting!

  3. This is perfect! Both of my girls are going to need a better homework set up than we have. We’re currently using the dining room table, but a dedicated desk would be so nice.

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