Great Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Butter


A tasty grilled pork chops entrée that is perfect for wrapping up a busy day. These pork chops are savoury with a hint of sweet, and all around delicious.

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Butter

We are mixing things up a bit over here at Crafty Kids at Home this month, sharing a tasty recipe series from the fantastic Evelyne from Nemcsok Farms.

Get Your Grill On

Summer is definitely the season for grilling (and so is every other season as far as I am concerned) . What can be better than a grilled entrée that is super easy to prepare? It is as yummy as if it was prepared at your favourite five star restaurant. This entrée really is quite easy to prepare and serve. The apple butter slightly caramelizes on the chops, and

About the Apple Butter

Apple Butter is sort of like apple sauce, except it is sweeter, and has more of a buttery texture. Apple Butter is not always available in grocery stores. The best place to purchase some is at your local farmer’s market. O you can always make your own, and Simply Recipes has an easy Apple Butter Recipe – be advised that it is nearly an all day job. Start your batch in the morning if you want to have some prepared in time for supper grilling.

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Butter Ingredients

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Butter


  • 4 -6 pork chops
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup apple butter
  • Grill/BBQ
  • Pastry / Grill brush


1. Heat grill to medium

2. Place chops on grill, brush with apple butter and grill approximately 6 minutes.

3. Turn chops over, and brush with more apple butter. Grill for another 5 – 6 minutes. Check for doneness

4. Remove from grill, and serve.

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Butter cooking

Grilling Tips

Use a medium flame, close the lid, and let your barbecue heat up to temperature. Don’t apply too much sauce the first side, as you will cause flare ups with your barbecue – which just burns your food. Don’t flip too often either… cook one side, flip, cook the other side, and flip one more time just to check for doneness. Grilling really doesn’t take long at all. If you have any other side dishes to prepare, prepare them first and keep them warm if necessary.

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Butter

And enjoy! BBQing is supposed to be fun and relaxing!

Evelyne is a fearless, axe wielding, quirky, hardworking and incredibly funny creative genius. Sarcsastic and snarky, she also has a weird fascination with soil, and wreaths.

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