Bonfire Night Activities for Kids


Remember, Remember the 5th of November with our Bubble Wrap Bonfire pictures and Splat Art Fireworks paintings. Two Bonfire Night activities which are suitable to kids of all ages to enjoy doing together.

bonfire night activities for kids

What is Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night?

Guy Fawkes night is traditionally celebrated across the UK every 5th of November. It is in remembrance of the capture of Mr Guy Fawkes, who on November 5th 1605, attempted to kill the then King of England, James I. He was part of a gang who had placed explosives underneath the Houses of Lords in London. Thankfully the gang were captured before they could detonate the explosives  and bonfires were lit across London to celebrate the stopping of this assassination attempt on the King.

Bonfire Night Activities for Kids: Bubble Wrap Bonfire Pictures


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Preparation ahead of the activity

  • To make the bubble wrap stamps – Attach a square of bubble wrap over the end of a TP Roll securing it with an elastic band.
  • Squirt red and yellow paint onto a paper plate.
  • Lay out sheets of black paper.

Invite your child to stamp the bubble wrap into the paint and then stamp it over the centre of the black paper.

bonfire night activities

Encourage your child to mix the red and yellow paint together using their stamp and talk about what happens as they do this. It should make orange which is ideal to finish off the bonfire flames in their picture.

Whilst the paint is drying, take the brown paper bag and tear it into strips. Glue these strips of paper underneath the flames to finish off your bubble wrap bonfire painting.

bonfire night activities


Bonfire Night Activities for Kids: Splat Art Fireworks Paintings

After completing our bonfire pictures, the kids then wanted to make some fireworks to go with them and my 6 year old son came up with the perfect idea, splat art fireworks (any excuse to get messy!)

Splat Art is very easy to set up, just load up lots of different coloured paints onto a paper plate, dip in a paintbrush and then shake the paint over a sheet of black paper. Just be sure to have plenty of wipes on standby and plenty of time to clean up afterwards!

bonfire night activities for kids splat art fireworks


Will you be taking your family to a Bonfire and Fireworks display this year?

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