Last weeks Family Frugal Linky was awash with colourful ideas for frugal crafts and activities. Here are some of my favourites:
Don’t throw away those fabric scraps, turn them into some colourful art! Fabric Scrap Wall Art Drawings from Little Worlds
A Little Pinch of Perfect show you how to save money by making you own clay to use in a colourful Clay ornament kids craft
This cheap and simple set up activity is sure to keep the kids amused for ages Coloured Water Transfer from Hands on:as we Grow
Have you had a go at making Clean Mud yet? Study at Home Mama shows you how to turn it into a Clean Garden Mud activity for kids.
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We had great fun at the weekend celebrating Bella’s 3rd birthday. The home-made cake though didn’t quite turn out as planned. I wanted to make a Teddy Bear Cake, but unfortunately my two attempts at making a basic sponge cake failed miserably (they both sunk in the middle). I have probably made hundreds of sponge cakes in the past that have all risen beautifully, so I am still at a loss as to know what I did wrong. Not wanting to waste the cakes, I had to improvise! The party had a Teddy Bear Picnic theme, so i used the edges of the cakes and turned them into a selection of mini cakes rather than one big one. The kids thought this was great and they’ll never know that this was never the original plan! Have you had any cooking disasters this week?
Why not pop over and see what frugal fun our lovely co-hosts have been up to this week and see which posts they picked out as there favourites from last week.
Nemcsok Farms
Now get ready to link up your new frugal posts in this weeks linky. Will you be featured next week?
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Frugal Family Linky.
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Frugal Family Linky.
We’ll also be posting onto our Frugal Family Co-hosts Pinterest board.
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Thank you for featuring our clean mud and congrats on the rebrand!